held on Thursday 18 November 2021, 7pm, at Kettlethorpe Village Hall.
PRESENT: Cllr G. Newton (Chair), Cllr I B Smith, Cllr A Woods, Cllr S Wride,
Also present: Ruth Keillar (Clerk),
Chairman’s opening remarks.
The Chairman welcomed all present to the meeting noting that all attendees were observing the current guidance regarding covid secure meetings.
776. To receive apologies and reasons for absence.
Cllr. M Mitchell’s leave of absence from the parish council continues.
The Clerk has written to Cllr Mitchell requesting an update of her situation. As no reply has been received it was agreed that the Clerk would follow this up and review at the next meeting.
Apologies received from Cllr. J Ellis. Reason accepted.
777. To receive Declarations of Interest on any item on the Agenda.
Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting.
No Declarations of Interest received.
778. To resolve to suspend the meeting to allow no more than 15 minutes of public forum.
No members of the public were present however no resolution was made.
779. To receive applications for Co-option to the vacant seats on the Parish Council.
No applications have been received.
780. Notes of the Parish Council meetings:
i. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on: 22 July 2021 to be approved and signed as minutes.
It was proposed by the Chairman, Cllr G. Newton, seconded by Cllr A Woods and it was RESOLVED to approve the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 22 July 2021 and these were duly signed as minutes.
ii. Notes of the Parish Council Business conducted under Delegated Powers to carry out PC business by the Clerk, as adopted 5 May 2021, minute 757 b.
Nothing to record.
781. To receive reports from Police with crime information.
Crime report 26/6/21 to 30/7/21 – 1 incident reported
Crime report 31/7/21 to 27/8/21 - 0 incidents reported
Crime report 28/8/21 to 30/9/21 – 2 incidents reported
Crime report 1/10/21 to 29/10/21 - 2 incidents reported
782. Planning Matters.
30 July 2021
PROPOSAL: Planning application for creation of new access, garage, fence and change of use of land to domestic.
LOCATION: Land adjacent to 4 Fenton Fields Fenton Lincoln LN1 2GE
APPLICATION TYPE: Full Planning Application
Current status: Refused
6 August 2021
PROPOSAL: Outline planning application to erect upto 5no. dwellings with all matters reserved.
LOCATION: Land off Newark Road Torksey Lock Lincoln LN1 2EJ
APPLICATION TYPE: Outline Planning Application
Current status: Granted time limit + conditions
18 August 2021
PROPOSAL: Planning application for change of use of land from open space to residential garden.
LOCATION: Land adjacent to 3 Fenton Fields Fenton Lincoln LN1 2GE
APPLICATION TYPE: Full Planning Application
Current status: Refused
2 November 2021
PROPOSAL: Planning application for siting of 18no. static caravans, including ancillary associated infrastructure.
LOCATION: Little London Caravan Park Lincoln Road Torksey Lock Lincoln LN1 2EL
APPLICATION TYPE: Full Planning Application
Current status: Public consutation period underway
Cllr S Wride questioned the status of Little London temporary access road on to A156 Torksey Lock and it was confirmed that this is still a temporary arrangement, and no information is available from WLDC at present.
783. To receive any updates regarding the Speedwatch scheme and to consider any action.
The Chairman reported
11 parishioners had volunteered for training.
10 had completed training
5 had completed indemnity form
4 locations in Fenton have been approved
Lincs Police Risk assessment received.
Mrs. D Canning-Jones is team leader
G Newton will act as admin for submission of results & compliance with GDPR.
Cllr S Wride made a vote of thanks to Chair Cllr G. Newton for his hard work in the setting up of this project.
Cllr I B Smith asked for clarification on how the volunteers would be working and it was confirmed that the team leader/volunteers would be making all arrangements themselves, independently of the PC.
Cllr I B Smith expressed an interest in joining the volunteer group and Cllr G. Newton will pass on his name to the team leader / CSW contact.
784. To receive any updates regarding a joint approach to speeding with Torksey PC and to consider any action.
At the meeting of 22 July, It was agreed that Cllr A Woods and Cllr S Wride would contact Torksey Parish Council regarding a joint approach in consideration of shared concerns. Cllr S Wride confirmed that he had made an approach and will report back at the next meeting.
785. Parish Newsletter. To receive a report and proposal from Cllr A Woods.
Cllr A Woods gave a verbal report outlining a suggested publication, with first costs quotes, additional hours for the Clerk and other details. It was agreed that this report be circulated to all for consideration as an agenda item at the next meeting.
786. Notice Board at Torksey Lock. To consider arrangements for the upkeep and servicing of the Parish Council Notice Board at Torksey Lock.
Cllr I B Smith reported that the notice board is in need of repair, refurbishment and cleaning and that some documents were out of date or faded. It was agreed that Cllr I B Smith lead on this item and obtain quotes for the works required. Cllr S Wride requested that this work be carried out before the next meeting and it was agreed that quotes could be discussed and approved by all, via email, and actioned prior to the next meeting, with final costs ratified at the next meeting. It was agreed that Cllr I B Smith be the Cllr responsible for the routine maintenance and administration of this notice board.
787. I D for parish Councillors. To consider ID for Cllrs and information in the Notice boards.
Cllr I B Smith requested that the PC consider formal ID for Cllrs to show, when acting officially as Cllrs. It was agreed that the Clerk obtain information and costs, in line with other PCs.
788. To receive any updates regarding the defibrillator.
The chairman reported
Defibrillator is in full operation
Weekly checks are being carried out and recorded using the WLDC on-line system.
Defibrillator pads are due to expire of 1/12/21. Automatic provision of replacement pads at expiry date, in accordance with the maintenance agreement with WLDC, will be checked.
789. To consider Training arrangements for Cllrs.
Cllr I B Smith attended:
New Cllr Training - 3 hr Via Zoom Session-19.10.21-10:00-13:00.
Councillors’ Training Day, Cranwell Village Hall, 20th October, 10am-4pm
The Clerk attended a LALC training event – LCC Website maintenance refresher, on Tuesday 05/10/2021, via Zoom. Training for Understanding the Planning system booked for 23 November, 6pm, via Zoom.
790. Financial Matters
i. To approve the Statement of accounts and bank reconciliations to date, August, September, October, part November 2021.
The RFO reported balances as at 15/11/2021:
a) Lloyds Current Account £8,432.99
b) Lloyds Bus Savings A/C £13,082.83
Interest accrued August, September, October £0.32
Uncleared cheques: NIL
Payments received, included from balances:
Sills and Betteridge land sale 3 Fenton Fields £606.70
Sills and Betteridge land sale 4 Fenton Fields £1,443.00
HMRC VAT reclaim 16/12/2018-31/07/2021 £654.10
LCC Highways grass-cutting grant £174.39
Payments received, excluded from balances: NIL
To approve additional accounts for payment 18 November 2021:
Printer/scanner. Cost £37.49 +VAT £7.50 = £44.99
Fenton and Torksey Lock Parish Council to reimburse £18.75+VAT £7.50 = £26.25
(Leadenham PC to reimburse £18.75)
VAT to be reclaimed by FTLPC.
To note expenditure against budget

To note:
April £1.80
May £1.80
June £2.00
July £1.80
August £2.00
September £1.80
October £1.80
It was proposed by Cllr G. Newton, seconded by Cllr A Woods and it was unanimously RESOLVED to approve the statement of accounts and bank reconciliation for August, September, October, part November and additional payment for 18/11/2021.
ii. To consider the Bank Mandate and the addition of another signatory.
The Chairman asked Cllr I B Smith if he was prepared to accept this role. Cllr I B Smith agreed. It was proposed by Cllr G. Newton seconded by Cllr A Woods, and it was RESOLVED that Cllr I B Smith be added to the bank mandate. The Clerk will arrange the application.
It was noted that Cllr A Woods offered to be a signatory at a future point, if needed.
iii. To discuss, agree and complete the Precept Estimate for 2022/23 for submission to WLDC by 26 November 2021.
The Chairman had circulated the precept estimate spreadsheets to members, for comment, prior to this meeting and none had been received.
The precept estimate was set at £5,300, representing a 0% change against 2021/22.
It was proposed by Cllr G. Newton, seconded by Cllr S Wride and it was unanimously RESOLVED to proceed to submit the precept estimate to WLDC on the above basis.
The precept estimate was completed and signed off; The Clerk will submit the estimate to WLDC prior to 26 November 2021.
There will be opportunity to further revise the estimate prior to its final submission to WLDC by 28 January 2022.
iv. To discuss monies accruing from land sales including related VAT, amounting to £2381.50.
It was proposed by Cllr G. Newton, seconded by Cllr I B Smith and it was unanimously RESOLVED to transfer the monies accruing from the Fenton Fields land sales and associated costs including VAT, amounting to £2,381.50, from the current account to the deposit account.
This would make the deposit account balance £15,46433. Of this, £2,910 must be retained to cover the cost of a contested election. This leaves £12,554.33 available for parish projects.
The chairman suggested that this be put on the agenda for discussion at the next meeting.
791. Insurance. To receive quotes for the PC insurance, due 21 November 2021 and to appoint an insurer.
Current cost 2020-21, Zurich £248.30
Budget for 2021/22 £260.00
Three quotes had been received:
Zurich £255.07
BHIB £352.24 / 3 yr LTA £332.56
AJG £230.02
Following discussion, it was It was proposed by Cllr G. Newton, seconded by Cllr S Wride and it was unanimously RESOLVED to appoint AJG as the parish council’s insurance for 2021/22,
792. Any urgent items for discussion
Matters can be raised and may become future agenda items. Items will only be taken if notified to the Chairman 24 hours prior to the meeting.
No items were raised.
793. To receive any updates on the S106 agreement / Sale of Land.
The Chairman reported that the sales of two parcels of land in Fenton Fields had been completed and the monies received. This concludes the matter, and the item can be removed from the agenda.
794. Date of next meeting
This is provisionally agreed as Meeting 4. Precept meeting in January, as agreed on 5 May 2021, minute 757 a.
It was agreed that Meeting 4 will be held on Thursday 20 January 2022.
As there was no further business, the Chair declared the meeting closed at 20:25
Chair...........................G. NEWTON...