October 19 2023 - Minutes

held on Thursday 19 October 2023, 7pm, at Kettlethorpe Village Hall.
PRESENT: Cllr G. Newton (Chair), Cllr A Woods (Vice-Chair), Cllr D Buck.
Also present: Ruth Keillar (Clerk). 
*DCllr R Pilgrim arrived after close of the meeting.
Chairman’s opening remarks.
The Chairman welcomed all present. 
985. Apologies. To receive apologies and reasons for absence.
Apologies had been received from Cllr I B Smith and Cllr P Jenkinson, reasons accepted.
986. Declarations of Interest. To receive Declarations of Interest on any item on the Agenda.
Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting.
No Declarations of Interest received.
987. Public forum. To suspend the meeting to allow no more than 15 minutes of public forum.
No members of public were present. 
988. Notes of the Parish Council meeting:
Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 03 August 2023 to be approved and signed as minutes. 
It was proposed by Cllr G. Newton, seconded by Cllr A Woods and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 03 August 2023 and these were duly signed as minutes.
989. Crime reports. To receive reports from Police with crime information.
Crime report 01/07/23 to 29/07/23 - 2 incidents reported in the parish.
Crime report 30/07/23 to 26/08/23 - 1 incident reported in the parish.
990. Planning Matters.
Updated as of 16 October 2023
5 July 2023
PROPOSAL: Planning application to create office in first floor of garage including installation of external staircase.        
LOCATION: The Studio Maltkiln Road Fenton Lincoln LN1 2EW
APPLICATION TYPE: Householder Application
APPLICATION CATEGORY: Householder Development
Current status: Decision 11/8/23 - Granted time limit + conditions
14 August 2023
PROPOSAL: Planning application for siting of 18no. static caravans, including ancillary associated infrastructure being removal of condition 6 of planning permission 143697 granted 5 January 2023 - to enable the 18 static caravans to be occupied for permanent residential accommodation     
LOCATION: Little London Caravan Site Lincoln Road Torksey Lock Lincoln LN1 2EL
APPLICATION TYPE: Full Planning Application
Current status: Decision 13/10/23 - Refused. 
24 August 2023
PROPOSAL: Planning application for change of use of building to a day respite care facility and community use.        
LOCATION: Trenton Lodge Lincoln Road Fenton Lincoln LN1 2EN
APPLICATION TYPE: Full Planning Application
Current status: Public consultation period expired. Decision pending as at 16/10/23
991. Speedwatch. To receive any updates regarding the Speedwatch scheme and to consider any action.
Activities in Fenton remain suspended pending more volunteers coming forward to join that team.
Activities in Torksey Lock have been curtailed by non-availability of team members. 
Cllr. I. B. Smith is in contact with CSW Admin regarding training of more volunteers.
992. Parish Newsletter. To receive any feedback and to consider any action for the next issue.
No feedback had been received. Cllr A Woods reported that the September issue had been submitted to the printer, by Cllr I B Smith, however no product had been received. Cllr A Woods reported that the premises, when visited by him and Cllr I B Smith had been locked with no personnel on duty. 
It was agreed that the Clerk contact the printer by email to confirm that due to non-receipt by the required date, the September issue was no longer required and to enquire as to the situation with the printing service going forward. It was noted that following any response the future of the Newsletter be re-considered at the next meeting.
993. Training. To consider Training arrangements for Cllrs. To receive any feedback on training attended.
No Cllr training had been attended since the last meeting. Cllr P Jenkinson and Cllr D Buck had registered to attend a Policies and Procedures course, 17/10/2023, but had both had to cancel.
There are 2 Induction/Refresher courses aimed at new councillors scheduled for 24 Oct and 7 Nov, 18 - 21:00. Book through the Clerk.
994. Clerks report
a) LALC Training bulletins circulated to all on 29/09/2023.
b) Website analytics are available to view on the PC website HERE
c) Training – the Clerk attended the LALC Financial Demo on 10/10/2023, via zoom, FOC.
d) Lanyards for new Cllrs – available for distribution.
e) NALC SCP salary awards are expected to be available in November, with rates backdated to 01/04/2023.
f) Policing – Remodel of force update and booklet, circulated to all 18/10/2023. Booklet posted online.
g) Lloyds Bank has sent a letter to confirm that the statements will transfer to paper-free from 22/11/2023. Letters and correspondence relating to bank mandate changes will still be sent by post.
995. Laptop. To consider replacing the Clerk’s laptop.
To consider approving costs for replacing the Clerk’s laptop, following resolution to replace it at the meeting 03/08/2023, minute 976. To agree cost to be uploaded to the Clerk’s Equals Card.
Cost of replacement laptop advised by clerk as £499.00 maximum
Annual costs software licence £50.00
Other costs (Cloud + Security) £100.00
It was proposed by the Chairman, Cllr G Newton, seconded by Cllr D Buck and unanimously RESOLVED to upload the cost to purchase the replacement laptop to the Clerk’s Equals card.
996. Financial Matters.
a) To approve the Statement of accounts and bank reconciliations as at 18/10/2023.
The RFO reported balances as at 18/10/2023:
i. Lloyds Current Account £5,937.62
ii. Lloyds Bus Savings A/C £16,319.08
Interest accrued Aug/Sept/Oct £42.27
       Payments received, included in balances: £196.91
       LCC grass-cutting grant (11/10/2023)
       Payments received, excluded from balances: NIL
       To note any regular payments made between 28/07/2023 – 18/10/2023:
To approve additional accounts for payment 19/10/2023:
       Laptop : See note under Agenda item 11 above.
To note expenditure against budget:
It was proposed by Cllr G. Newton, seconded by Cllr A Woods and it was unanimously RESOLVED to approve the statement of accounts and bank reconciliation as at 18/10/2023.
b) To receive any updates regarding the Equals Card application.
The final information required by Equals was received from Cllrs on 10/10/2023 and submitted. Further info requested 18/10/2023 and submitted to Equals. ID and proof of address had been requested for Cllr D Buck and the clerk had passed this email onto him.
c) To set out requirements for completing the 2024/25 precept submissions.
WLDC have issued the requirements for completing the 2024/25 precept application submissions. The Precept Estimate is to be submitted by 24 November 2023 (First deadline). The final precept claim form is to be submitted by 26 January 2024 (Second deadline).
The Chairman will issue the Precept Estimate breakdown within the next 2 weeks for members’ comments required as soon as possible thereafter. The Chairman will provide any explanations requested. Final agreement of the Precept estimate will take place at the next PC meeting on 16 November 2023 in order to submit same by the first deadline.
Changes can still be made after this date up to the final claim form agreement to take place at the PC meeting on 18 January 2024 in order to submit same by the second deadline.
997. Highways matters
Updates on the following items have been requested from Cllr Butroid:
a) Footpath maintenance - Torksey Lock.
b) New Footpath - Torksey Lock.
c) Enhanced crossing of A156 - Torksey Lock.
The above as discussed at our meeting on site on 9 January 2023.
d) Permission to site a bench in Torksey Lock.
My (G.N.) email dated 11 July 2023.
e) Traffic calming measures on Maltkiln Road, Fenton.
Your (R.B.) email to Joe Phillips-Melhuish on 22/5/23.
Cllr Butroid has arranged a meeting with Highways representatives for 19 October 2023.
998. Parish Speed Limits.
A156, Fenton – Speed limit reduction from 40 to 30mph and extend speed limit zone to include Leys Cottage and relocate the existing Fenton village sign to the same point. Chairman to provide update.
Highways have advised that the preparatory electrical work has been completed, that the signs are on order and that they anticipate the work being carried out in the next month or so.
999. Volunteer Policy.
To consider adopting a General Volunteer Policy.
A General Volunteer Policy has been drafted and circulated to members.
There have been no comments.
It was proposed by the Chairman, Cllr G Newton, seconded by Cllr A Woods and unanimously RESOLVED to adopt the General Volunteer Policy 
1000. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
To consider the re-adopting the following to comply with GDPR:
Data Map, Data Protection Policy, Subject Access Request Procedure, Data Breach Policy and Records Retention Policy, Privacy Notice and General Privacy Notice.
There having been no changes to the GDPR documentation, it was proposed by the Chairman, Cllr G Newton, seconded by Cllr D Buck and unanimously RESOLVED to re-adopt the above stated GDPR documentation.
1001. Remembrance Day.
a) To receive an update on the feasibility of using the wreath from the previous year and to consider the purchase of large poppies with the budgeted funds.
The Chairman advised that the wreath from last year can be reused.
It was agreed to purchase large poppies with the budgeted funds, £50.
b) To consider any arrangements for the PC to commemorate Remembrance Day.
Remembrance Sunday is on 12 November 2023. The Chairman will lay the wreath at 11:00 followed by the I minute silence. All parish residents are invited to attend.
1002. Police Meeting.
To note any updates regarding the holding of Q&A sessions for PCs regarding Policing and to agree any action required to prepare for same. Chairman’s email to members dated 2/10/23 refers.
A volunteer to represent the parish at the meeting on 14 December 18:00 – 20:00. was requested. Cllr G Newton volunteered to attend.
Questions to submit by 22 October deadline:-
a) Why is there no enforcement of speed limits in our parish?
b) Why is there no community policing involvement in our parish?
c) Why don’t community police officers routinely attend parish council meetings?
Cllr G Newton volunteered to submit the questions above.
1003. Parish Project
Email dated 12/9/23 from a resident suggesting the provision of 2 bus shelters in Fenton on opposite sides of the A156 near the Defibrillator station. Discuss.
Volunteer member(s) requested to carry out initial feasibility study to include type of shelter,
purchase prices, civils works foundations and surface finishing, shelters installation, locations, Highways approval and other permissions, affected residents, local bus company plus anything else that can be considered relevant eg availability of grants.
It was agreed to defer this item to the next agenda.
1004. Any urgent items for discussion
Matters can be raised and may become future agenda items.  Items will only be taken if notified to the Chairman 24 hours prior to the meeting.
The Chairman added the following item:
The Parish Council Insurance is due for renewal on 21/11/23.
Our current insurer, AJG, has quoted £285.59, an increase of £16.68 (6.2%). 
It was proposed by the Chairman, Cllr G Newton, seconded by Cllr D Buck and unanimously RESOLVED to renew the PC insurance with AJG at the quoted rate for a further year.
1005. Date of next meetings.      
Regular Meetings - Nov 16.
To agree meeting dates for 2024.
Proposed meeting dates for 2024/25 as follows :-
Annual Parish Meeting – March 21. To be followed by the Regular Meeting. 
Annual Meeting of the Parish Council – May 16, To include the Regular meeting.      
Regular Meetings – January 18, July 18, Sept 19, and Nov 21.
The above dates were agreed.
As there was no further business, the Chair declared the meeting closed at 19:58
Any discussion after close of meeting is not noted.
Signed (Chair).....G.NEWTON.......................Date.................16/11/2023