August 3 2023 - Minutes

held on Thursday 3 August 2023, 7pm, at Kettlethorpe Village Hall.
PRESENT: Cllr G. Newton (Chair), Cllr A Woods (Vice-Chair), Cllr D Buck (*see minute 968 b ii), Cllr P Jenkinson (*see minute 968 b i), Cllr I B Smith.
Also present: Ruth Keillar (Clerk). 
*Two members of the public present pending co-option.
Chairman’s opening remarks.
The Chairman welcomed all present. 
964. To receive apologies and reasons for absence.
965. To receive Declarations of Interest on any item on the Agenda.
Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting.
       No Declarations of Interest received.
966. To suspend the meeting to allow no more than 15 minutes of public forum.
    N/A The two members of the public present were for co-option. 
967. Notes of the Parish Council meetings:
       Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 15 June 2023 to be approved and signed as minutes. 
It was proposed by Cllr G. Newton, seconded by Cllr I B Smith and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 15 June 2023 and these were duly signed as minutes.
968. To receive any applications for Co-option to the vacant seats on the Parish Council.
a) To consider amending the Co-option Policy to include option to co-opt applicants in their absence.
It was proposed by Cllr G Newton, seconded by Cllr A Woods and it was RESOLVED that the Co-option Policy be amended and adopted to facilitate co-option of applicants in their absence.
b) To receive any applications for co-option. 
Two members of the public had submitted applications.
i. It was proposed by Cllr G Newton, seconded by Cllr I B Smith and it was RESOLVED that Mr Paul Jenkinson be co-opted. Mr Jenkinson completed the Acceptance of Office form and joined the meeting as Cllr P Jenkinson.
ii. It was proposed by Cllr G Newton, seconded by Cllr A Woods and it was RESOLVED that Mr Dale Buck be co-opted. Mr Buck completed the Acceptance of Office and joined the meeting as Cllr D Buck.
It was noted that the new Cllrs would compete the Register of Members’ Interests, Code of Conduct receipt and IT security compliance forms and return these to the clerk. 
Access to webmail, the PC website and other relevant information will be issued to the new Cllrs by the clerk.
969. To receive reports from Police with crime information.
Crime report 28/05/23 to 30/06/23 - 1 incident reported in the parish.
970. Planning Matters.
   Updated as of 26 July 2023
   05 July 2023
PROPOSAL: Planning application to create office in first floor of garage including installation of external staircase.        
   LOCATION: The Studio Maltkiln Road Fenton Lincoln LN1 2EW
   APPLICATION TYPE: Householder Application
   APPLICATION CATEGORY: Householder Development
   Current status: Public consultation period underway
   The Chairman advised that he had examined the proposal and had no comments to make.
971. To receive any updates regarding the Speedwatch scheme and to consider any action.
Activities in Fenton remain suspended pending more volunteers coming forward to join that team.
Activities in Torksey Lock have been curtailed by non-availability of team members and road works (re-surfacing and top dressing).
Cllr I B Smith reported that training was not available at present and that he was awaiting updates from the CSW organisers. It was reported that a post on Facebook by a resident of Torksey Lock had alluded to the positioning of the volunteers, causing a potential visibility issue at the entrance to Locklands Lake 
The solution suggested was rejected and the resident threatened police involvement on a repeat occurrence. CSW activity will continue in this location taking due regard of the resident’s concerns.
972. To receive any updates regarding the Notice Board at Torksey Lock.
The replacement notice board has now been completed and Cllr I B Smith is maintaining it.
This item can now be removed from the agenda.
973. Parish Newsletter. To receive any feedback and to consider any action for the next issue.
No feedback had been received. It was noted that the request for suggestions regarding PC allocated ringfenced monies has received no comment. The next issue is due for end September. Cllr G Newton requested that future drafts be issued for him to view/comment prior to publication.
974. To consider Training arrangements for Cllrs. To receive any feedback on training attended.
No Cllr training had been attended since the last meeting.
The LALC training Bulletin for August has been received and will be circulated to all.
975. Clerks report
a) Central Local Plan – Following the adoption of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan in April 2023, the Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), now referred to as the Planning Obligations SPD, is being reviewed. The public consultation which runs for six weeks from Wednesday 5th July 2023 to 23:59 on Wednesday 16th August 2023. Circulated to all 05/07/23.
b) LCC Highways Survey – deadline for submission 15 October 2023. Circulated to all 24/07/23. It was agreed that Cllr G Newton and Cllr I B Smith would complete this survey on behalf of the PC.
c) Insurance has been contacted to confirm any age restrictions for volunteers, the age range covered is confirmed as 16 – 90 years. A volunteer policy document has been received as guidance.
d) LCC had offered free Litter Picking Kits, however these have all been allocated. The PC may wish to record pre-agreement to apply for kits, should the offer be repeated. It was agreed that this would not be required.
e) Tillbridge Solar updates posted onto the PC website.
f) Website analytics are available to view on the PC website HERE
g) Training – the Clerk attended the LALC summer conference on 19/07/23. Presentations included:
i. United Nations Association of Greater Lincolnshire.
ii. BHIB Insurance, Cyber Security.
iii. Q&A Session with CCllr R Davies - LCC Highways, Alistair Jones - Professor and author (The Resurgence of Parish Council Powers in England), John Turner – Integrated Care Board, Phil Clark – Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner.
h) WLDC Funding Workshop, FOC, 10/08/2023, 18:00 – 20:00. It was agreed that this was not required.
i) Lanyards – It was agreed that new Cllrs be issued with ID lanyards and will submit a suitable image to the Clerk.
j) Cllr G Newton enquired about the previously circulated email regarding a briefing with the Police, the clerk will check the details and circulate to all.
976. Laptop. To consider replacing the Clerk’s laptop.
The PC’s laptop, used by the Clerk, has reached the end of its useful life and is considered uneconomical to repair/maintain. 
It was proposed by Cllr G Newton, seconded by Cllr A Woods and it was RESOLVED that a new laptop be purchased. It was agreed that this would be added to the next agenda for further approval.
977. Financial Matters.
a) To approve the Statement of accounts and bank reconciliations as at 27/07/2023.
The RFO reported balances as at 27/07/2023:
i. L Lloyds Current Account   £6,670.45
ii. Lloyds Bus Savings A/C £16,279.81
Interest accrued June/July £21.40
       Payments received, included in balances: NIL
       Payments received, excluded from balances: NIL
       To note any regular payments made between 16/06/2023 – 27/07/2023:
To approve additional accounts for payment 03/08/2023: N/A
To note expenditure against budget:
It was proposed by Cllr G Newton, seconded by Cllr A Woods and it was RESOLVED that the statement of accounts and bank reconciliation be approved.
b) To consider applying for an Equals Card Account.
The Clerk had previously circulated a report.
It was proposed by Cllr G Newton, seconded by Cllr A Woods and it was RESOLVED that the PC apply for an Equals debit card account, with the Clerk/RFO as administrator and with Cllr G Newton and the Clerk/RFO as card holders. The account will be funded to the amount of £200, by BACS transfer from the Lloyds current account and £100 will be allocated to the two cards.
It was agreed that any additional requirements be approved by the PC prior to re-plenishing the account.
c) AGAR. To note that the external auditor, PK Littlejohn, has signed off the 2022-23 AGAR.
978. Footpaths. 
a) To receive any updates and to consider any action regarding maintenance arrangements for the footpath in Torksey Lock.
As previously reported, actions agreed with Highways. Awaiting implementation. Update requested from C/Cllr R Butroid
b) To receive any updates and to consider any action, regarding the siting of a new footpath along the road from Torksey Lock to Fenton and along the frontage to Little London Park towards the Fosse Dyke Canal bridge and any updates regarding the landowner’s indication that he may approve the current construction personnel gate as a permanent access (in conjunction with LCC Highways).
As previously reported, Cllr G Newton has emailed Cllr R Butroid with a photograph of a possible route from the existing gate at the south west corner of the new development on Little London to link up to the existing network of footpaths towards the bus shelter. Awaiting comment.
c) To receive any updates from CCllr R Butroid, who had been asked to liaise with LCC Highways, to request that an assessment survey be carried out so that the installation of a crossing be considered; noting that it may take up to a year for any assessment to commence.
Awaiting update.
979. Parish Speed Limits.
To receive any updates regarding the 2 areas within the parish where residences are outside the current 40mph speed limits.
a) Along the A1133, Newark Road, from Laughterton – extend speed limit zone to include Fenton High House, the Polish Scouting Centre and the village sign.
In response to Highways email dated 12 June 2023 rejecting this request, Cllr G Newton, the Chairman, in an email dated 27 June 2023 to C.Cllr R Butroid wrote:
“Referring to the response from Ms. Greaves below regarding the speed limit approaching Torksey Lock northbound on the A1133, I make the following comments, 
1. The national speed limit of 60 mph is currently applicable within the Torksey Lock boundary. This is an extremely undesirable feature as it sends the wrong message to drivers who, as a result, are able to travel, at considerable speed, into a residential area a short distance away inside the boundary. Drivers unaware of local conditions will probably not even notice the Torksey Lock signage as they speed into the area and only slow down when they see the 40mph sign further down the road, most likely still exceeding the limit as they pass through it. I submit that the national speed limit existing within the boundaries of a town, village or hamlet in these circumstances, is not the norm and should be changed where it occurs, as a matter of policy. 
2. Reference is made to the LCC Speed Limit Policy and the density of development criteria. Section 1 of this policy refers to Speed Limit Assessments for Towns and Villages. The Central Lincolnshire Local Plan, adopted on 13 April 2023, defines Torksey Lock as a Hamlet so it's arguable as to whether the policy actually applies to Torksey Lock, it being neither a town nor a village. This could give the authority some flexibility to act to make the requested change and the parish council requests that the decision is therefore reconsidered. 
3. If this still proves too difficult for the authority to implement, could the national speed limit within the subject area be reduced to 50mph, similar to what has been done recently on the A156 northbound into Marton?”
Response awaited.
b) Along the A156, Lincoln Road, from Torksey Lock – extend speed limit zone to include Leys Cottage and relocate the existing Fenton village sign to the same point. 
Public Consultation period ended on 15 June 2023.
The following update has been received from LCC - Awaiting isolation of electrical supplies to illuminated 40mph signs. Once confirmed, instructions will be issued to the contractor to proceed.
c) To receive any updates from CCllr R Butroid, who had offered to liaise with LCC Highways:
i. Move the existing Fenton village sign north by approx. 400metres to include all the village residences 
Fenton village sign will be relocated.
ii. Move the existing 40mph sign to the location of the repositioned village sign. 
The necessity for this is removed by the location of the new 30mph zone in this area.
This item can now be deleted.
iii. The beneficial effects of the provision of additional warning signage was also discussed: to include such as “Please drive carefully through our village”, “children crossing”, “elderly pedestrians”.
Awaiting update.
d) To receive any updates from Cllr I B Smith and Cllr A Woods regarding the agreed photographic record of works.
None to report.
980. Torksey Lock Bench Progress Report
To receive any update regarding the siting of the bench at Torksey Lock.
Cllr G Newton, The Chairman, in an email dated 11 July 2023 to C.Cllr R Butroid, sent details of the positioning of the bench and requested assistance to get this approved by Highways.
Awaiting update.
981. Garden Area at the location of the Torksey Lock bench.
To consider progressing this suggestion, noting that ownership of land and the clarification of any permissions required.
Through Newsletter issue No.7 parishioners were invited to submit a scheme. No feedback received.
982. Volunteer Policy.
To consider adopting a Volunteer Policy for those carrying out Parish Council Activities (e.g.CSW)
A draft Volunteer Policy was circulated to members prior to this meeting. The Chairman requested comments.
Cllr I B Smith reported that the CSW volunteers were fully covered and insured via the CSW operation. It was agreed that no Volunteer Policy would be required for the CSW volunteers. It was agreed that the Volunteer Policy be revised and considered at the next meeting, as a General Volunteer Policy.
983. Any urgent items for discussion.
Matters can be raised and may become future agenda items.  Items will only be taken if notified to the Chairman 24 hours prior to the meeting.
The question of speeding on Maltkiln road to be included in the next agenda. C Cllr R Butroid had requested a meeting on site with Highways.
Cllr P Jenkinson asked if a list of correspondence between CCllr R Butroid and the PC could be drawn up, to assist with clarity over replies and response time.
Cllr A Woods suggested that an agenda item be added to the next meeting, regarding overgrown vegetation on the footpath in Torksey. It was noted that this had previously been reported to Torksey PC and action had been taken by them, as verbalised by DCllr R Pilgrim at the meeting of 15 June 2023. Cllr A Woods advised that there was still an issue. It was agreed that the area in question be re-visited by members of the PC and photographic evidence produced. It was suggested by Cllr I B Smith that Cllr A Woods could report the issue using FixMyStreet.
984. Date of next meetings.      
Regular Meetings – Sept 21, and Nov 16.
    As there was no further business, the Chair declared the meeting closed at 20:55
Signed (Chair)................G. NEWTON......................................Date............................19/10/2023.......................