June 15 2023 - EXtra-Ordinary Meeting and Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

held on Thursday 15 June 2023, 7pm, at Kettlethorpe Village Hall.
PRESENT: Cllr G. Newton (Chair*see minute 942), Cllr A Woods (Vice-Chair*see minute 943), Cllr I B Smith.
Also present: Ruth Keillar (Clerk). DCllr R Pilgrim (part meeting)
One member of the public present.
Chairman’s opening remarks.
The Chairman welcomed all present. 
942. Election of Chair and receive Declaration of Acceptance of Office 
The 2022-23 Chairman requested nominations for Chair of the Parish Council for 2023/24
Cllr I B Smith proposed Cllr G. Newton. as Chair. This was seconded by 
Cllr A Woods.
There were no other nominations.
A vote was taken on this proposal and it was unanimously RESOLVED that Cllr G. Newton. be re-appointed as Chair to the parish council.
Cllr G. Newton completed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office. 
943. Election of Vice Chair and receive Declaration of Acceptance of Office. 
The Chairman requested nominations for Vice-Chair of the Parish Council for 2023/24. 
Cllr G. Newton proposed Cllr A Woods as Vice Chair. This was seconded by Cllr I B Smith 
There were no other nominations.
A vote was taken on this proposal and it was unanimously RESOLVED that Cllr A Woods be appointed as Vice-Chair to the Parish Council.
Cllr A Woods completed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
944. To note that the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council re-scheduled date was agreed with the permission of WLDC.
945. To note that DCllr R Pilgrim has been appointed by WLDC as a Member of the Parish Council.
946. To receive apologies and reasons for absence.
947. To receive Declarations of Interest on any item on the Agenda.
Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting.
No Declarations of Interest received.
948. To suspend the meeting to allow no more than 15 minutes of public forum.
One members of the public present. The member had expressed an interest in joining the parish council. He gave a brief overview of his background and skill which he could bring. The member submitted his application to the Clerk, for circulation and preparation for co-option at the July meeting.
949. Notes of the Parish Council meetings:
Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 16 March 2023 to be approved and signed as minutes. 
It was proposed by Cllr G. Newton, seconded by Cllr A Woods and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 16 March 2023 and these were duly signed as minutes.
950. To receive reports from Police with crime information.
Crime report 25/02/23 to 31/03/23 - 0 incidents reported in the parish.
Crime report 01/04/23 to 29/04/23 - 3 incidents reported in the parish.
Crime report 30/04/23 to 27/05/23 - 2 incidents reported in the parish.
951. Planning Matters.
i. Updated as of 11 June 2023
146250 - Planning application for erection of granny annexe to replace previously approved detached garage - amendment to previously approved scheme 124996 granted 31 March 2010 for a replacement dwelling with detached garage being removal of condition 5 of planning permission 127970 granted 30 December 2023 - Occupancy condition     
LOCATION: Holly Tree House Newark Road Torksey Lock Lincoln LN1 2EJ
APPLICATION TYPE: Full Planning Application
Current status: Granted time limit plus conditions.
ii. The Central Lincolnshire Local Plan was adopted by the Central Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee (CLJSPC) on 13 April 2023 and it now replaces the Local Plan adopted in 2017.
For this parish, the plan allows for 5 additional residences to be built in Fenton (defined as a Small Village in the Local Plan) and 1 additional residence to be built in Torksey Lock (defined as a Hamlet in the Local Plan) during the duration of the plan, that is, up to 2040. 
952. To receive any updates regarding the Speedwatch scheme and to consider any action.
To receive any feedback from the approach to Torksey PC, for a joint approach in the Torksey/Torksey Lock area.
Activities in Fenton remain suspended pending more volunteers coming forward to join that team.
Activities in Torksey Lock have recommenced. Cllr I B Smith reported that an additional person was interested in joining, however training is not available at present due to resource shortages.
Torksey PC have informed that they do not require assistance from our group. See Clerk’s report item 956 c).
953. To receive any updates regarding the Notice Board at Torksey Lock.
The replacement notice board has been erected in Torksey Lock. The cam locks have been replaced and the rest of the cork liner installed, Doors are to be painted and Perspex windows sealed. Additional materials have been purchased.
Thanks to Kevin for making the board, to Kevin and Steve for installing it and to Steve for fitting the new locks and completing the cork liner.
Cllr I B Smith reported that he had varnished the board and cleaned the Perspex window.
954. Parish Newsletter. To receive any feedback and to consider any action for the next issue.
Next issue to include article addressing speeding on Maltkiln Road. See Emergency minute 962 below, and a call for parishioners to suggest projects for the PC to fund from allocated monies ringfenced.
955. To consider Training arrangements for Cllrs. To receive any feedback on training attended.
Nothing to report. 
956. Clerks report
a) Website analytics are available to view on the PC website HERE.
b) LC Printing Services charge has increased from £49.00 to £53.90 (ref inv 9775 30/03/23).
It was agreed that Cllr I B Smith would ask the printer why the PC had not been advised in advance, as a matter of courtesy and would make a repeated request that the invoices be emailed to the Clerk, to follow the correct procedure. Previous requested by the clerk on 09/04/2022, with only one invoice being submitted to the clerk since then.
c) Following agreement ref minute 931, b), to offer a joint approach to CSW, Torksey Clerk has reported back that the Torksey Speedwatch Scheme does not currently require any support from Torksey Lock group, however the situation will be reviewed if needed.
d) Following a report from AW regarding hedge growth on the A156, between Fossdyke and Torksey, the Clerk requested that Torksey Clerk investigate. Torksey Clerk has reported back that the hedge growth on the footpath was checked, found to be a very small area of self-sets and that this has been removed.
e) LALC Summer Conference is scheduled for Wednesday 19 July, at the Bentley Hotel, South Hykeham; the clerk would like to attend. Costs are likely to be £25 plus approx. £7.20 travel cost (likely to be shared with LPC).
f) LALC are now issuing Training bulletins, the first was circulated to all on 29/04/2023, the next on 02/06/2023.
957. Financial Matters.
a) To approve the Statement of accounts and bank reconciliations as at 09/06/2023.
The RFO reported balances as at 09/06/2023:
i. Lloyds Current Account   £7,913.93
ii. Lloyds Bus Savings A/C £16,255.41
Interest accrued April/May £18.75
       Payments received, included from balances:
       HMRC VAT reclaim, 17/03/23 £291.12
       WLDC Precept, 03/04/23 £6,200.00
       WLDC CIL grant, 25/04/23 £742.47
       This amount was transferred into the Interest Account 02/05/23
       A Credit Note has been received from Kettlethorpe PCC £40.00
       This is in relation to an over charge for the year 2021-22 and will be deducted from the 2023-24 donation, due March 2024.
       Payments received, excluded from balances: nil
       To note any regular payments made between 16/03/23 - 31/03/2023:
To note expenditure against budget at end of year 2022-23:
       To note any regular payments made between 01/04/23 - 09/06/2023:
To approve additional accounts for payment 15/06/2023:
To note expenditure against budget 2023-24:
To note: 
April £7.40
To be paid at year end.
It was proposed by Cllr G. Newton, seconded by Cllr A Woods and it was RESOLVED to approve the statement of accounts and bank reconciliation as at 09/06/2023.
i. Exemption Certificate. RFO and Chair to formally sign and date, noting Minute reference 957 b).i.
ii. To note the Annual Internal Auditors Report
iii. To approve and sign the Governance Statement. Chair and Clerk to formally approve and sign, noting the minute reference 957 b).iii
iv. To approve the Accounting Statement 2020/2021. Signed and dated by the RFO prior to presenting for approval. Chair to formally approve and sign, noting the minute reference 957 b).iv.
v. To note that the Notice of Public Rights will be posted onto the website for at least 30 working days.
vi. To note that the above and the following additional completed documents will be posted onto the PC website:
a. Bank Reconciliation
b. Explanation of Variances
c. Expenditure of £100 and over.
d. Asset list to 31/04/2023
Deadline for submission is 30/06/2023.
It was proposed by Cllr G. Newton, seconded by Cllr I B Smith and it was RESOLVED to accept and sign the AGAR 2022-23 documents.
958. Footpaths. Cllr A Woods to report and table suggestions for consideration.
a) To receive any updates and to consider any action regarding maintenance arrangements for the footpath in Torksey Lock.
As previously reported, actions agreed with Highways. Awaiting implementation. Update requested from C/Cllr R Butroid
b) To receive any updates and to consider any action, regarding the siting of a new footpath along the road from Torksey Lock to Fenton and along the frontage to Little London Park towards the Fosse Dyke Canal bridge and any updates regarding the landowner’s indication that he may approve the current construction personnel gate as a permanent access (in conjunction with LCC Highways).
The Chairman has emailed Cllr R Butroid with a photograph of a possible route from the existing gate at the south west corner of the new development on Little London to link up to the existing network of footpaths towards the bus shelter. Awaiting comment.
c) To receive any updates from CCllr R Butroid, who had been asked to liaise with LCC Highways, to request that an assessment survey be carried out so that the installation of a crossing be considered; noting that it may take up to a year for any assessment to commence.
Awaiting update.
959. Parish Speed Limits.
To receive any updates regarding the 2 areas within the parish where residences are outside the current 40mph speed limits.
a) Along the A1133, Newark Road, from Laughterton – extend speed limit zone to include Fenton High House, the Polish Scouting Centre and the village sign.
Highways update in email dated 12/6/23 –“ Following your request for moving the existing speed limit at A1133 Torksey Lock, I would like to take this opportunity to advise you that the density of development criteria in the County Councils Speed Limit Policy has not been met and therefore the request will not progress any further. I appreciate this will be disappointing, but we must work within the County Council’s Speed Limit Policy. If you need anything further regarding this matter, then please get back in touch.”
It was agreed to contact CCllr R Butroid to express concern that this was giving the wrong message to drivers.
Along the A156, Lincoln Road, from Torksey Lock – extend speed limit zone to include Leys Cottage and relocate the existing Fenton village sign to the same point.                                           
Highways update in email dated 12/6/23 –“ With regards to Fenton speed limit, the proposal for this is at public consultation until the 15th June 2023, if no objections are received by then the Engineer dealing with this will complete the works package and pass this over to our contractor who will implement the works on site. This will also include the re-location of Fenton Village Name Plate.” 
b) To receive any updates from CCllr R Butroid, who had offered to liaise with LCC Highways:
i. Move the existing Fenton village sign north by approx. 400mrtres to include all the village residences 
Fenton village sign will be relocated as per the above update from Highways.
ii. Move the existing 40mph sign to the location of the repositioned village sign. 
The necessity for this is removed by the location of the new 30mph zone in this area.
iii. As an alternative to ii above, reduce the current 60mph to 40mph on the A156 between Torksey Lock and Fenton.
It was previously agreed this would be considered again in due course
iv. On the A1133, approaching Torksey Lock from Laughterton, move the existing 40mph signs approx 200 metres south to the existing location of the Torksey Lock Village sign. This will extend the 40mph limit zone to include the Polish Scout Camp and Fenton High House. This will also enable the CSW team to operate in this area.
See Highways update in email dated 12/6/23 in 959 a) above.
v. Extend the existing footpath from the Polish Scout Camp to Laughterton.
There is no possibility of this being done in the foreseeable future. This item can be deleted.
vi. The beneficial effects of the provision of additional warning signage was also discussed: to include such as “Please drive carefully through our village”, “children crossing”, “elderly pedestrians”. 
Awaiting update.
c) To receive any updates from Cllr I B Smith and Cllr A Woods regarding the agreed photographic record of works. Noting to report.
960. Councillor initiative Fund.  
a) To receive any updates on the order placed for the 6 foot bench.
The bench has been delivered and is being kept in secure private storage. 
a) To receive any update from Cllr I B Smith who had agreed to investigate the possibility of installing the bench on the green area opposite to The White Swan public house in Torksey Lock. 
CCllr R Butroid offered to liaise with LCC Highways to establish ownership of the site and to determine any planning permissions which may be required. 
Following a FOI Request to Lincolnshire County Council, they have confirmed that the grassed area to the east of the White Swan Public House is…”maintainable highway under our (LCC’s) liability.”
A sketch of the proposed location will be prepared for submission to LCC together with ground fixing details for the bench, for their agreement.
It was agreed that siting the bench in front of the notice board would be an ideal location, fixed by spikes and with concrete slabs beneath to avoid and need to grass-cut below.
Cllr A Woods raised concerns regarding the grass-cutting of this area. It was noted that that the land is owned by LCC, who cut areas such as this three times a year. The previous inhabitants of the White Swan had historically arranged to cut it, however as they were no longer there, this would stop. LCC to be approached to get this area cut.
961. Garden Area at the location of the 6 foot bench.
To consider progressing this suggestion, noting that ownership of land and the clarification of any permissions required. It was agreed that this item would be put to a future agenda, as the bench installation is the first step. 
962. Any urgent items for discussion
Matters can be raised and may become future agenda items.  Items will only be taken if notified to the Chairman 24 hours prior to the meeting.
The Chairman raised the following items:- 
a) Regarding speeding on Maltkiln Road in Fenton. An informal complaint had been raised regarding some vehicles exceeding the 30mph speed limit on this narrow residential road and a suggestion was made that the speed limit should be reduced to 20mph. Letters had been received from 3 residents requesting action be taken. Comments on the PC’s Facebook page had been numerous the general consensus being that if this was required then speed bumps would not be the answer. 
Cllr Butroid advised in an email that he has requested a meeting on site with Highways to assess the problem.
b) The Parish Council has been invited to hold it’s meetings at the Trenton Motel in Fenton which is to be opened as a day centre by a Fenton resident. It has been emphasised that PC meetings are open to members of the public and this has been accepted. The Chairman asked for any comments. 
It was agreed that a letter of support be sent to the owner, to include an expression of interest in the offer for hosting PC meetings in principle, providing criteria were met, in line with the PC Standing Orders and the legislation regarding public places for meetings.
942. Date of next meeting and following meetings in 2023.  
The July meeting was re-scheduled Friday 28 July, to ensure a quorum was achievable, as the presence of DCllr R Pilgrim was required for that purpose. Hall re-booking to be confirmed.
Regular Meetings – July 28, Sept 21, and Nov 16.
As there was no further business, the Chair declared the meeting closed at 20:55
SIGNED...................G.NEWTON (CHAIR).........................DATE................03 AUGUST 2023................