March 16 2023 - Minutes
held on Thursday 16 March 2023, 7pm, at Kettlethorpe Village Hall.
PRESENT: Cllr G. Newton (Chair), Cllr A Woods (Vice-Chair), Cllr I B Smith.
Also present: Ruth Keillar (Clerk).
No members of the public were present.
Chairman’s opening remarks.
The Chairman welcomed all present.
925. To receive apologies and reasons for absence.
Apologies had been received from DCllr J Ellis, reasons accepted.
926. To receive Declarations of Interest on any item on the Agenda.
Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting.
No Declarations of Interest received.
927. To resolve to suspend the meeting to allow no more than 15 minutes of public forum.
No Members of the public present.
928. Notes of the Parish Council meetings:
Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 26 January 2023 to be approved and signed as minutes.
It was proposed by Cllr G. Newton, seconded by Cllr A Woods and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 26 January 2023 and these were duly signed as minutes.
929. To receive reports from Police with crime information.
Crime report 30/12/22 to 27/01/23 - 2 incidents reported in the parish.
Crime report 28/01/23 to 24/02/23 - 1 incident reported in the parish.
930. Planning Matters.
Updated as of 13 March 2023
146250 - Planning application for erection of granny annexe to replace previously approved detached garage - amendment to previously approved scheme 124996 granted 31 March 2010 for a replacement dwelling with detached garage being removal of condition 5 of planning permission 127970 granted 30 December 2023 - Occupancy condition
LOCATION: Holly Tree House Newark Road Torksey Lock Lincoln LN1 2EJ
APPLICATION TYPE: Full Planning Application
Current status: Public consultation period underway
The Chairman has examined the documentation and has no comments.
931. To receive any updates regarding the Speedwatch scheme and to consider any action.
a) Activities in Fenton remain suspended pending more volunteers coming forward to join that team.
b) Activities in Torksey Lock are suspended for the winter months. It was agreed that Cllr I B Smith take on the role of CSW captain, due to the departure of Ms Canning-Jones. Cllr I B Smith reported that there had been 2 members drop out, leaving a team of 7, with 2 possible new members, and an update will be given at the next meeting. The additional sign had been received on 09/02/2023. (WLDC CIF fund – see minute 921 a).
It was agreed that the Clerk contact Torksey PC to enquire about a joint approach to Speedwatch, with the Fenton and Torksey Lock Parish Council team assisting in CSW within Torksey.
It was noted that the CSW team may be deployed in the Fenton area of the parish, once the newly proposed speed reduction 30mph limit is in place (see minute 938 b.) Cllr I B Smith advised that he had contact details for the Fenton tram members and he would contact them in due course to determine whether they wish to continue to partake in the scheme.
932. To receive any updates regarding the Notice Board at Torksey Lock.
Awaiting improvement in weather to complete. Painting is required and this has been provided.
933. Parish Newsletter. To receive any feedback and to consider any action for the next issue.
Cllr I B Smith reported that no feedback had been received. The next issue is due for delivery end March 2023 and would include details relating to the forthcoming Parish elections and the speed limit proposal for Fenton.
934. To consider Training arrangements for Cllrs. To receive any feedback on training attended.
It was noted that that Cllr I B Smith was unable to access the WLDC Elections briefing on 13 February, however the video recording of the session is available, and posted onto the PC website.
935. Clerks report
a) Website analytics are available to view on the PC website HERE.
b) The Clerk attended WLDC Election briefing on 13/02/2023, via Remote session.
c) Emails to contact@ auto-forwarding has been disabled and all forwarding is manual by the clerk.
d) Emails received to the old fentorkpc@ have had auto-forwarding to contact@ disabled.
936. Financial Matters
a) To approve the Statement of accounts and bank reconciliations as at 09/03/2023.
The RFO reported balances as at 09/03/2023:
i. Lloyds Current Account £4,017.38
ii. Lloyds Bus Savings A/C £15,494.19
Interest accrued February/March £15.19
Uncleared cheques: NIL
Payments received, included from balances: £604.84
(WLDC CIF grant for bench near Torksey Lock)
Payments received, excluded from balances: NIL
b) To note any regular payments made between 14/01/2023 – 15/03/23:
c) To approve additional accounts for payment 16/03/2023: NIL
d) To note expenditure against budget:
To note:
April £2.40
May £2.60
June £2.60
July £2.60
August £2.60
September £2.40
October £2.60
November £29.80
December £7.60
January £7.60
February £7.60
To be paid at year end.
It was noted that a VAT reclaim has been submitted for the period 01/08/21 – 31/01/23, £291.12.
It was noted that the Precept request was submitted to WLDC on 27/01/23.
It was noted that S137 spending has been increased for 2023-24 to £9.93 per elector (387). (was £8.82 for 2022-23).
It was noted that LCC Highways Grass-cutting grant has been increased to £196.91 for 2023-24. (was £180.92 in 2022-23).
It was proposed by Cllr G. Newton, seconded by Cllr A Woods and it was unanimously RESOLVED to approve the statement of accounts, bank reconciliation as at 16/03/2023.
937. Footpaths.
The Chairman reported that roads in Fenton had been swept of loose chippings during w/c 6 March 2023. Members noted similar had been carried out in Torksey Lock.
It was noted that the drop-kerb had been installed at the area opposite to the pumping station, in front of the bridge at Torksey Lock.
a) To receive any updates and to consider any action regarding maintenance arrangements for the footpath in Torksey Lock.
As previously reported, actions agreed with Highways. Awaiting implementation. Update requested from C/Cllr R Butroid
b) To receive any updates and to consider any action, regarding the siting of a new footpath along the road from Torksey Lock to Fenton and along the frontage to Little London Park towards the Fosse Dyke Canal bridge.
No update had been received from CCllr R Butroid as yet. Cllr I B Smith reported that the land owner of the new development has indicated that he is willing for the temporary construction personnel gate entrance, at the south west end to be used as a permanent access. It was noted that he may need to liaise with LCC Highways to confirm this. This may mean that a shorter stretch of footpath could be considered in due course, as the costs would be less.
c) To receive any updates from CCllr R Butroid, who had been asked to liaise with LCC Highways, to request that an assessment survey be carried out so that the installation of a crossing be considered; noting that it may take up to a year for any assessment to commence. No update from CCllr R Butroid as yet.
938. Parish Speed Limits.
To receive any updates regarding the 2 areas within the parish where residences are outside the current 40mph speed limits.
a) Along the A1133, Newark Road, from Laughterton – extend speed limit zone to include Fenton High House, the Polish Scouting Centre and the village sign – no update as yet.
b) Along the A156, Lincoln Road, from Torksey Lock – extend speed limit zone to include Leys Cottage and relocate the existing Fenton village sign to the same point.
A recent proposal from Highways includes the relocation of the speed limit sign to this point and for a reduction in the speed limit on the A156 through Fenton from 40 to 30mph. The proposal is now undergoing its statutory consultation period. The Parish Council unanimously expressed its support of this proposal which is seen as a major contribution to improving road safety in the village and the well-being of its residents.
The Chairman proposed a Vote of Thanks to C/Cllr Richard Butroid for securing this proposal. This was endorsed by the Parish Council.
c) To receive any updates from CCllr R Butroid, who had offered to liaise with LCC Highways:
i. Move the existing Fenton village sign north by approx. 400mrtres to include all the village residences.
ii. Move the existing 40mph sign to the location of the repositioned village sign. Awaiting update.
iii. As an alternative to ii above, reduce the current 60mph to 40mph on the A156 between Torksey Lock and Fenton. It was agreed this would be considered again in due course.
iv. On the A1133, approaching Torksey Lock from Laughterton, move the existing 40mph signs approx 200 metres south to the existing location of the Torksey Lock Village sign. This will extend the 40mph limit zone to include the Polish Scout Camp and Fenton High House. This will also enable the CSW team to operate in this area. No update.
v. Extend the existing footpath from the Polish Scout Camp to Laughterton. This is unlikely.
vi. The beneficial effects of the provision of additional warning signage was also discussed: to include such as “Please drive carefully through our village”, “children crossing”, “elderly pedestrians”. No update.
d) It was agreed that a photographic record of any works requiring action and any works completed could be instigated; this would allow an informed report of details for progress and issues. Cllr I B Smith and Cllr A Woods will carry out this record-keeping.
939. Councillor initiative Fund.
a) To receive any updates following an application submitted on 23/01/2023, for £604.84, for 6 foot bench on the green area opposite to The White Swan public house in Torksey Lock.
Application has been approved and funds paid into PC’s bank account. The Clerk has placed the order, estimated delivery in 12 weeks.
b) To receive any update from Cllr I B Smith who had agreed to investigate the possibility of installing the bench on the green area opposite to The White Swan public house in Torksey Lock.
CCllr R Butroid offered to liaise with LCC Highways to establish ownership of the site and to determine any planning permissions which may be required and is continuing to pursue this. Cllr I B Smith had no updates to report but agreed to contact the White Swan landlord to determine the arrangement they had in place for grass cutting.
c) The Chairman proposed a Vote of Thanks to D/Cllr Jane Ellis for making the funds available for the bench and for the additional sign for the CSW team, from her councillor Initiative Fund. This was endorsed by all present.
940. Any urgent items for discussion
Matters can be raised and may become future agenda items. Items will only be taken if notified to the Chairman 24 hours prior to the meeting.
a) Cllr A Woods suggested that a garden area be created at the site of the bench; It was noted that that this cannot be considered until the ownership of the land is established and it was agreed that this could be added to the next agenda.
b) Cllr G. Newton reported that DCllr J Ellis would not be standing at the next election for DCllr to the Torksey Ward. Roger Pilgrim intends to stand, and the results of this election will be known on 9 May 2023.
It was agreed that it may be required that the new DCllr be asked to support the PC as a Parish Cllr, to help ensure the future, pending any other nominations for PC seats at the Election.
c) The Chairman proposed that a Vote of Thanks to DCllr J Ellis for all the support and pro-action that she had brought to the PC during her time as appointed member of the Parish Council. This was endorsed by all present.
941. Date of next meeting and following meetings in 2023.
Annual Meeting of the Parish Council – May 18, To include the Regular meeting.
Regular Meetings – July 20, Sept 21, and Nov 16.
As there was no further business, the Chair declared the meeting closed at 20:10
Conversation after closure of the meeting is not recorded.
Signed......................G.NEWTON (Chair).....................................Date................15/06/2023.............