April 18 2024 - Agenda - CANCELLED.

The Wesleyan Chapel, Blind Lane, Coleby, Lincs, LN5 0AL. Tel: 07724526733
Website: Homepage – Fenton and Torksey Lock Parish Council (lincolnshire.gov.uk)
Dear Councillor 
You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of the Parish Council, which will be held on Thursday 18 April 2024 at Kettlethorpe Village Hall at 7pm. 
The meeting is open to the public and during the meeting there will be a 15-minute public forum when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council in relation to the business on the agenda. 
1. To appoint an Acting Chair for this meeting.
2. Current Chair
a) To note that Cllr G Newton, the current Chair has resigned from the role of Chair and remains on the Parish council as a Councillor
b) To consider approving an open-ended leave of absence to Cllr G Newton.
3. To receive apologies and reasons for absence.
4. To receive Declarations of Interest on any item on the Agenda.
Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting.
5. To resolve to suspend the meeting to allow no more than 15 minutes of public forum.
6. Notes of the Parish Council meeting:
Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 18 January 2024 to be approved and signed as minutes.   
To receive reports from Police with crime information. 
Gainsborough Rural South | Police.uk (www.police.uk) 
7. Planning Matters. 
APPLICATION REFERENCE NO:148016.  Received 11/03/2024
8. To receive any updates regarding the Speedwatch scheme and to consider any action.
9. Parish Newsletter. To receive any updates regarding the A4 news-sheet bulletin.
10. To consider Training arrangements for Cllrs. To receive any feedback on training attended.
11. Clerks report
12. Financial Matters
a) To approve the Statement of accounts and bank reconciliations to date.
b) To note arrangements for the AGAR 2023-2024
13. Highways matters
Updates on the following items have been requested from Cllr Butroid
a. Footpath maintenance - Torksey Lock.
b. New Footpath - Torksey Lock.
c. Enhanced crossing of A156 - Torksey Lock.
e. Traffic calming measures on Maltkiln Road, Fenton.
14. Parish Speed Limits.
A156, Fenton – Speed limit reduction from 40 to 30mph and extend speed limit zone to include Leys Cottage and relocate the existing Fenton village sign to the same point.
15. Notice Boards at Fenton and Torksey Lock
To note that the posts at Fenton have been replaced as noted at the last meeting. 
The posts at Torksey Lock have also been replaced. 
16. Parish Project
Bus shelters x 2 on opposite sides of the A156 near the defibrillator station.
To receive any updates and to agree any further action.
17. Any urgent items for discussion
Matters can be raised and may become future agenda items.  Items will only be taken if notified to the Chairman 24 hours prior to the meeting.
18. Date of next meetings.      
Regular Meetings – July 18, Sept 19, and Nov 21.
Annual Parish Meeting (APM)– May 16. To be followed by the AMPC
Annual Meeting of the Parish Council (AMPC) – May 16, to include the Regular meeting.      
       14/04/2024. Ruth Keillar Clerk to Fenton and Torksey Lock Parish Council.