Better Housing Better Health, a not-for-profit service run by the National Energy Foundation. Helping residents living in or at risk of living in fuel poverty to access free advice and support.

Better Housing Better Health (BHBH), a not-for-profit service run by the National Energy Foundation, we’re a charity working to help residents living in or at risk of living in fuel poverty to access free advice and support.  

We have been delivering frontline domestic energy support for over a decade and recently expanded the Better Housing Better Health service to cover Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire & Warwickshire.  

We’re a service that’s free of charge and open to all residents experiencing issues with their home energy. As part of our service, we have a helpline that’s free to call where our team can give valuable tips on how to stay warm at home, provide free home energy visits, sign up those in need of additional support to the Priority Services Register and access grants for energy efficiency measures.  

We currently also have an allocation of Emergency Fuel Vouchers; these £49 vouchers are available to help residents on prepayment meters struggling to pay for their gas or electricity. As we have limited numbers of vouchers, we ask that you please do not advertise the voucher scheme directly.  

If you think this service would be of help to any of your clients, you may refer them to BHBH online at  

Our free helpline number is 0800 107 0044 and residents are welcome to call us themselves, the only time we ask it is a direct referral made by yourselves is if they're wanting to access the emergency fuel vouchers. 

We are also currently offering free online training sessions for people working directly with the public so that you can spot the signs of fuel poverty, understand the causes and learn more about how we help residents and the different grants available. Sessions usually take around 30 minutes so get in touch if you’d like to arrange this. 
I’ve attached our poster and leaflet to this email, please do let me know if you’d like some printed copies and I can send those out to you. 

I’d be happy to set up a call to discuss further or if you’d like more information, please visit or give us a call on 0800 107 0044. We’re here Monday to Friday 9am-5pm excluding bank holidays. 


Published: Thursday, 18th May 2023